I am a coach for a high school track team. Ever since last summer I’ve had some numbness on the front and side of my left thigh. It seems to come and go but it’s staying longer now. What could be causing this?

Are you having any other symptoms anywhere else? Have you injured your back, thigh, or hip in the last six months? You didn’t mention your age, which could be a factor.

It sounds like you may have some kind of nerve impairment. The spinal nerves that give your upper leg sensation exit the spinal canal at the level of the upper lumbar spine. Something could be putting pressure on the nerve.

It could be a bulging disc or tumor. Other less serious causes could be abnormal posture, muscle tightness or spasm, or tight-fitting corset or brace.

It would be a good idea to see a doctor since you’ve had the problem for a while and it seems to be getting worse. It may be a simple matter of changing the way you sit at work or your posture during track practice.

Something more serious should be identified and treated as soon as possible for the best results.