I am a fairly new track coach working with the hurdle event. I know core training is a good thing but I’m not sure how to explain to my hurdlers why they need to do it. Can you help me out?

Jumping hurdles involves all parts of the body but especially the abdominal muscles and the legs. Hip flexion is a major movement needed to get over the hurdles. The hips, pelvis, and low back are all part of the lumbopelvic-hip complex called the core.

Before the legs can move the trunk muscles contract. This preparation stabilizes the spine so that the arms and legs can move. The deepest abdominal muscle is the first to be automatically activated. This is the transverse abdominis.

In split second timing the deep muscle of the spine (multifidus) contracts next. Working the core muscles (abdominal, hip, and back) strengthens the core so the spine is protected while the extremities move through space.

No one needs core training more than hurdlers. It not only helps them get over the hurdles, it also protects the spine and the legs from injury. Core training is better than P.F. Flyers: it helps you run faster and jump higher!