I work on an assembly line placing 20-ounce water bottles in cardboard boxes. When the box is half full, I pick it up and move it to a different conveyor belt. I think the muscles on one side of my spine are getting over developed from this. Is this bad?

You are at increased risk of back injury, whenever there is a muscle imbalance. Contracting the muscles on one side of the back while twisting or turning may put you at risk for damage to the ligaments or discs in the spine.

One way to counteract this problem is to rotate jobs. Either switch to a different task or work on an assembly process with the same motion to the other side. If this isn’t possible, take frequent stretch breaks.

As often as possible, stand up straight and tall. Make sure you twist and/or bend to the opposite side. A regular exercise program outside work is advised. Be sure and include stretching and strengthening exercises for both sides of the spinal muscles.