After suffering for years with hip pain from arthritis, I finally had a hip joint replacement. I’m sorry I ever did it. Six weeks after the operation, I’m having much more pain than I ever did before. Will I ever get back to my “old” level of pain?

It’s very likely that you will not only get back to your “old” pain, but also improve and become pain free. Total hip replacement has a very good result, but sometimes, getting there can be a trial.

In order to do a good job, the doctor must open up the hip area down to the bone. This means cutting through all the muscles and soft tissues in the area. These tissues are pulled out of the way until the operation is over. The doctor returns all the soft tissues to their starting position, but they need time to recover.

Studies show that patients report great improvement six months after the hip replacement. This includes their physical, social, and psychologic quality of life. By six months, pain levels and discomfort are lower than before the operation and function is much improved.