What do medical doctors say about complementary therapies?

Complementary therapy (also known as complementary and alternative medicine or CAM) is any treatment used outside of traditional medicine. This includes hundreds of possibilities. Some examples of CAM are acupuncture, reiki, music therapy, essential oils, and reflexology.

Not so long ago, doctors and other health care workers ignored CAM. They felt it had little effect on their patients. There was no proof that these methods helped. This is changing as more and more patients seek out CAM for injuries and illnesses.

Today, many medical schools offer courses in alternative medicine. Some doctors practice Iwhat they call Integrative Medicine. This explores all options and methods to help healing.

Medical researchers have “heard” the patients’ request for other ways to treat them. Studies are being done to look at these therapies. How effective are they? Do they cause harm? How does the cost of CAM compare to medical treatment? These and other questions are now on the table.