Every now and then, I hear scientists talk about substance P in a news report. What is this and why is it important?

Substance P is a fairly new discovery. It is a chemical released by nerves. It sends pain messages to the spinal cord and then to the brain. Substance P is also present in the intestines. It increases the contractions of muscles along the GI tract.

Animal studies show that substance P causes pain, swelling, and inflammation. It’s part of inflammation associated with arthritis. Once this was discovered, it was only a short time before scientists found a way to reduce substance P in the nerve endings.

Capsaicin cream for arthritic joints is one of these important discoveries. This cream, made from hot peppers, reduces joint pain but doesn’t change the arthritis.

A recent study showed that the bones of the spine contain nerve cells that release substance P. Perhaps a new way to treat back pain will come of this discovery.