I am a 53-year old business executive. As part of my job, I’ve been observing various divisions of our company. During the last rotation, I helped lift some heavy pipes. I felt a snap in my right shoulder with sudden pain. I don’t want to file for worker’s comp. What should I do?

Tendons, ligaments, and muscles can “snap” or “pop” when injured or damaged. Often, this is a sign that the soft tissue has torn partially or completely. Immediate pain and swelling suggests a muscle may be involved.

A normal tendon/muscle unit is painless and strong. A first degree strain or tear will be painful and strong. If movement of the arm is painful and weak, suspect a serious strain or tear. In the case of a weak arm without pain, there may be a complete tear of the soft tissue structures.

Use ice, gentle motion, rest, and antiinflammatories for the first 24 to 48 hours. If painful symptoms persist, a medical exam is advised. Continuing to use the arm can cause further damage. It’s best to file an incident report, even if you don’t see a doctor right away.