I heard there is a new glue that can be used for bone fractures instead of casting or surgery. Is this available everywhere? What is it called?

Calcium phosphate paste has been used in animal (and some human) studies. This glue-like substance can be injected into the bone break. The paste is also being used to hold bone grafts in place and for some dental work.

This method has not been tested enough yet and is only available in research settings. There are no long-term studies to show the results 10 or 20 years after its use. Some of the initial studies suggest it is as effective for bone fractures as methods such as surgery and pin fixation.

As this material is developed, different names will be used. For example, hydroxyapatite-ceramic and hydroxyapatite-cement products are being patented and marketed under the name “Interpore.” Other companies with similar products will sell these under various names in the years ahead.