My sister gave birth to twin girls. One has permanent paralysis of her forearm from the way she was positioned at birth. She can’t turn her hand over enough to pick up small items. When she picks up larger things, she can’t keep the object in her hand. The family has exercises to do with my niece but she is not very willing to do these. Is there anything else that can be done?

There is a surgery that has been used in a small number of children with this condition. The two bones of the forearm are joined, or fused, together. The two forearms are connected into one bone. The new position of the forearm puts the hand in a position ready for a handshake or with the palm facing slightly downward.

Researchers followed up on six children who had this type of surgery. The surgery enabled the children to be able to use their hand to pick up objects and to hold items. Your niece’s doctor can decide if this type of fusion will make a difference and help find a specialist.