I have Kienbock’s disease. My doctor wants me to undergo a surgery designed to improve the blood flow near the ends of my forearm bones. Will surgery help with the pain? And how about restoring wrist movement?

There’s a very good chance that surgery will help. A group of researchers trying out this new “decompression” technique compared their results with those of other surgeries for Kienbock’s disease. These included surgeries to even out the length of the radius and ulna (the bones in the forearms that control wrist rotation).

Patients were followed up at least two years after decompression surgery. Patients had less pain than before surgery 75 to 100 percent of the time. In these studies, surgery resulted in no pain for zero to 81 percent of patients.

Wrist movement also improved. After surgery, range of movement was about 70 to 75 percent of that in the healthy hand. Grip strength was generally at 70 to 80 percent.

These results suggest that surgery is likely to help ease your pain. Talk with your doctor about the benefits he or she expects from surgery in your case.