I read an article in a magazine about arthritis and some of the new studies on how to prevent this disease. Why is it necessary to do so many studies and repeat the same ones over and over? Isn’t this a waste of money that could go directly to treatment?

Scientific research can seem to repeat itself. But it is important to repeat an experiment several (if not many) times for a few reasons. The scientist must be able to show that the results didn’t happen by chance. Repeating the results helps show this. Having a different group of scientists perform the same experiment helps confirm or validate the information.

It is also possible for a scientist to come to the wrong conclusion based on very good data. A second or third group may be able to look at the results differently and form a more accurate conclusion.

Finally, important discoveries have been made when research is repeated. Sometimes this happens when a mistake is made the second time through. Data that can be reproduced bring our knowledge of arthritis and other medical conditions to the next level.