I am a female college athlete involved in track and swimming. Whenever I cough or laugh, I leak a few drops of urine. My coach told me there is weakness of the muscles that hold my bladder in place. How can these muscles be weak since I exercise every day?

Leaking urine is a condition called urinary incontinence. This can happen when there is weakness of the pelvic floor muscles. These are the muscles your coach was talking about that support the bladder. Estrogen levels can drop in women who exercise hard over a long period of time. The hormone estrogen helps the pelvic floor muscles maintain their shape, support, and strength. The problem can worsen if the woman is not eating properly because of an eating disorder such as anorexia (loss of appetite and not eating). So even though you’re exercising every day, other factors may be causing these muscles to weaken.

This type of incontinence can usually be treated successfully. The first step is to see your doctor. Several treatment options are available, including medications, nutritional counseling, and specific exercises.