I am 35 and have been playing soccer for years. Am I more likely to get injured now that I’m older?

Not necessarily. Researchers recently reviewed injury reports from the first season of Major League Soccer in the United States. There were 237 players on 10 teams. Players’ ages ranged from 18 to 38. Their average age was 27.

Three hundred ninety-nine injuries were recorded over the course of the season. Most of them resulted in brief or no lapses in playing time. In general, players were more likely to be injured in competition than in practice. But there were no differences between older and younger players in rate or severity of injury. Players’ positions also didn’t make them more prone to injury.

Time and intensity of playing seemed to take a toll over the course of the season, regardless of players’ ages. There were more injuries at the end of the season than at the beginning or middle, though this increase was fairly slight.

If you’re still concerned about injury, talk with a doctor or trainer. He or she may be able to suggest some preventive measures.