Skip the Shrink Wrap Treatment for Shoulder Instability

In this study researchers compared the results of two treatments for chronic shoulder dislocations. All patients had a Bankart lesion, which means the labrum is detached. The labrum is a piece of cartilage along the rim of the shoulder joint that helps deepen the shoulder socket.

The first group of patients had a repair of the labrum. Special biodegradable tissue tacks called Suretac were used to repair the lesion. The second group had the Suretac plus a special heat treatment called thermal capsular shrinkage. In this second treatment, heat was used to shrink the stretched out joint capsule before the labrum was repaired.

Everyone followed the same rehab program after surgery. Results were measured by range of motion, strength, and activity level. Anytime the joint popped out (either part or all of the way) the new instability was also recorded. There were no big differences in outcomes between the two groups.

Patients in both groups had equal motion and went back to work about the same time. Getting full strength back took about six months for everyone. Both groups had patients who had another shoulder dislocation after the surgery.

As a result of this study, surgeons at the University of New South Wales in Australia have changed the way they repair Bankart lesions. They’ve switched to a different anchoring system.